5 Tips to Preparing Safe, Healthy Food For Your Bearded

5 Tips to Preparing Safe, Healthy Food For Your Bearded Dragon

Preparing a nutritious meal for your bearded dragon doesn't have to be difficult or costly. Below are some tips to help you create the perfect lunch for your scaly friend.
Tip #1
Look no further than your own kitchen for high-quality food options. Leftover salad is a great choice because it's easy to prepare and helps get rid of unwanted scraps. However, avoid lettuce as it provides no nutritional value. Also, refrain from using salad dressings or seasoning on your dragon's food. Instead, set aside a portion of the salad before adding these flavorings. The same applies to fruits and vegetables.
Tip #2
Ensure that the food is cut into small pieces no larger than the distance between your bearded dragon's eyes. Large pieces can lead to digestion issues. Adult dragons can generally be fed human-sized portions, but use your judgment based on the size and maturity of your pet. Never feed juvenile or baby dragons food that is too large for them to eat. This tip is especially important when feeding insects, but it also applies to other foods.
Tip #3
Be cautious when selecting insects to feed your bearded dragon. Avoid giving them fireflies at all costs as they are highly toxic. Limit the use of mealworms as their tough skin can cause impaction. Furthermore, be wary of collecting insects from your backyard as they may have been exposed to harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers.
Tip #4
Make sure that vegetables make up 85% of your bearded dragon's diet. Insects such as grasshoppers, moths, and flies are excellent sources of protein and should be included in their diet as well. Additionally, provide fruits and flowers to round out their diet and promote good health.
Tip #5
Always ensure that your bearded dragon has access to plenty of water. Although these animals are adept at conserving water due to their desert habitat, it's crucial that they have access to water. Consider keeping a water dish in their enclosure or spraying their food with water before feeding.